Wednesday, May 13, 2015


1. Who is the Chairman of NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development)?
a) Dr. Harsh Kumar Bhanwala
b) Mrs V.R.Iyer
c) HR Kamath
d) B Bhattacharya
e) R Rajendran

2. For recovery of NPA from the defaulted borrowers, SARFAESI Act 2002, is implemented. What does the letter ‘S’ stands for in SARFAESI
a) Social
b) Security
c) Seasonal
d) Stamp
e) Systematic

3. Bank holidays under Sec.25 of N.I. Act are declared by
a) RBI
b) State govt. for the respect state
c) Central govt.
d) LHO
e) Prime Minister

4. One rupee coin issued under _____ Act
a) Coinage Act 1906
b) RBI
c) BR
d) All the above
e) None of these

5. Clean Note policy has been introduced as per
a) Banking Regulation Act
b) RBI Act
c) SBI Act
d) PNB Act
e) None of these

6. Under prevention of Money laundering Act 2002, the financial transaction records have to be preserved for _____ years.
a) 5
b) 10
c) 20
d) 40
e) None of these

7. Under prevention of Money laundering Act 2002, banks have to report suspicious transaction to _____
a) RBI
b) CBI
d) LHO
e) Central Govt.

8. RBI Has relaxed KYC norms for small account holders who do not intend to make deposits over Rs.50,000/- and total credits in the account in a year is limited to Rs. 1 lakh. Total withdrawls/ Transfer in a month does not exceed Rs. ____
a) 10,000
b) 20,000
c) 50,000
d) 60,000
e) None of these

9. When form15-H has been received, the bank shall forward the same to I.T. Department on or before ____ day of next month.
a) 3rd
b) 5th
c) 7th
d) 15th
e) 17th

10. In which of the following transaction PAN should be quoted?
a) A time deposit exceeding Rs.50,000
b) Payment in cash to purchase bank draft or banker’s cheque for an amount aggregating Rs.50,000 or more during any one day
c) Deposit cash aggregating Rs. 50,000 or more during any one day
d) All the above
e) None of these

11. Currency Notes are printed at:
a) Nasik
b) Dewas
c) Mysore
d) Salboni
e) All of these

12. If the customer does not cooperate for making their accounts KYC compliant, despite repeated communication/ contacts, their accounts should be _____.
a) Frozen
b) Closed
c) Close the account only after
compliance of KYC
d) a or c
e) a & b

13. As per KYC Norms / AML measures risk categorization of all customer accounts should be done and review of risk categorization should be cared out at ____ months intervals every year.
a) 3
b) 6
c) 9
d) 12
e) 15

14. SLR has to be maintained by banks under _______
a) Sec. 24 of BR Act
b) Sec. 24 of RBI Act
c) Sec. 42 of RBI Act
d) Sec. 42 of BR Act
e) None of these

15. Who is the Chairman of IRDA?
a) T.S.Vijayan
b) Dr. Rangarajan
c) M.V.Nair
d) J.S. Bhatnagar
e) HR Khan

16. Who is the authority for referring appeals against the award of banking ombudsman?
a) Deputy Governor, RBI
b) RBI Governor
c) CMD of concerned bank
d) Group of CMDs formed by RBI
e) None of the above

17. The sponsoring bank’s share in RBIs is:
a) 50%
b) 35%
c) 15%
d) 75%
e) None of these

18. Can a HUF join as a partner in a partnership firm?
a) Can be included
b) Can be included with company
c) Cannot join
d) Can join subject to the approval of CMD
e) None of the above

19. Bank’s Lien is:
a) General lien
b) Particular lien
c) Contingent lien
d) b & c
e) None of these

20. Within how many days the CPIO (Central Public Information Officer) has to provide information under RTI Act?
a) 30 days
b) 15 days
c) 45 days
d) 10 days
e) 60 hours

21. Which of the following is not a negotiable instrument as per N.I. Act?
a) Promissory note
b) Draft
c) TDR (Term Deposit Receipt)
d) Cheque
e) None of the above

22. Which of the following is not correct in respect of issue of CP:
a) It can now be issued as a standalone facility
b) Minimum issue is Rs. 5 lakh
c) CPs can be underwritten by a bank
d) Minimum Tangible net worth of the Corporate should be Rs. 4 crore
e) All the above

23. The maximum period for which a CD can be issued is _____
a) 1 month
b) 3 months
c) 180 days
d) 1 year
e) None of these

24. What is not true about CDs?
a) It is transferable from the data issues
b) It can be issued for a minimum period of 7 days
c) It is not all transferable
d) It can be issued in demat form only
e) None of these

25. Gilt edged securities refer to ___
a) Govt. securities
b) Shares of first class companies
c) Securities issued by first class companies
d) Duplicate securities
e) Securities issued by RBI Identified Companies

26. The standard rate at which the RBI is prepared to buy or rediscount export bills or other commercial
paper eligible for purchase from banks under the RBI Act is known as _____
a) Bank rate
b) Repo Rate
c) Card rate
d) PLR
e) Base Rate

27. The result of increase in SLR by RBI is
a) Decrease in lendable resources of banks
b) Increase in loadable resources of banks
c) There will not be any change in loan able resources of banks
d) Only b and c
e) None of these

28. Blue chip securities mean ____
a) Shares of progressive, well managed companies with excellent record of payment of dividends.
b) The shares which are in blue ink
c) Securities issued by Chip Manufacturing companies
d) Securities identified by the concerned state governments
e) None of the above

29. Cash kept in the currency chest is owned by
a) Currency Chest Branch Bank
b) Central Government
c) Reserve Bank of India
d) State Bank of India
e) None of the above

30. Bank can’t proceed against the borrower under SARFAESI Act where:
a) Security is agricultural land
b) Liability is less than Rs.1 lakh
c) Liability is less than 20% of the principal
d) Pledge of movables
e) All the above

31. The minimum capital required to start a new private sector bank is________
a) 100 crore
b) 200 crore
c) 300 crore
d) 400 crore
e) 500 crore

32. RBI injects liquidity through
a) Increase Bank Rate
b) Reduction of Repo Rate
c) Reduction of Reverse Repo
d) Increase CRR
e) Increase SLR

33. A customer requested to include his wife and daughter as nominees after one year of opening of
the account. Will it be accepted?
a) It can be accepted since the nominees are the family members of the depositor
b) Cannot be considered since the request is not received at the time of opening of account
c) Can be considered with 50% share each
d) Nomination should be made only in favor of single name. Hence can’t be considered
e) None of the above

34. What is the relationship between the Bank and Overdraft Customer where the account is showing
credit balance?
a) Creditor & Debtor
b) Principle & Agent
c) Trustee & Beneficiary
d) Debtor & Creditor
e) None of the above

35. What are the interest rates that are still regulated by RBI?
a) SB Deposits
b) Commercial Loans
c) DRI Loans
d) b & c
e) All

1) a; 2) b; 3) b; 4) a; 5) a; 6) b; 7) c; 8) a; 9) c; 10) d;
11) e; 12) b; 13) b; 14) a; 15) a; 16) a; 17) b; 18) c; 19) a; 20) a;
21) c; 22) c; 23) d; 24) e; 25) a; 26) a; 27) a; 28) a; 29) c; 30) e;
31) e; 32) b; 33) d; 34) d; 35) c.

Mission Indradhanush

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) has launched Mission Indradhanush on 25th December 2014 with the aim of expanding immunization coverage to all children across India by year 2020. The Mission Indradhanush, depicting seven colours of the rainbow, targets to immunize all children against seven vaccine preventable diseases namely Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Childhood Tuberculosis, Polio, Hepatitis B and Measles. In addition to this, vaccines for JE (Japanese Encephalitis) and Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B) are also being provided in selected states.  Immunization is the key to protect children from life threatening conditions that are preventable. As per MOHFW, immunization coverage in India has increased from 61% to 65% only from 2009-2013. So, MOHFW has decided to intensify its efforts in immunization though this mission.      
Objectives of Mission Indradhanush
The government intends to cover 201 high focus districts in the first phase of year 2015.  These districts have nearly 50% of all unvaccinated or partially vaccinated children. Out of these 201 districts, 82 districts lie in just four states of India namely, UP, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. Nearly 25% of the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated children of India live in these 82 districts of 4 states. Furthermore, another 297 districts will be targeted in the second phase of year 2015.
Strategy of Mission Indradhanush
The government has planned to conduct four special vaccination campaigns between January and June 2015.  All vaccines are already available free of cost under universal immunisation programme in India. Under this mission, government plans to intensify its efforts and thus increase accessibility of these vaccines to all the children of India. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


1. Proportional Reserve System was replaced in 1956 by Minimum of Foreign Reserve System. It means....
1) RBI to hold assets minimum of Rs. 515 crores worth of foreign reserves in which Rs. 115 Cr. of gold and Rs. 400 Cr. of foreign securities must be maintained.
2) RBI to hold assets minimum of Rs. 515 crores worth of foreign reserves in which Rs. 115 Cr. of gold and Rs. 400 Cr. Dollars must be maintained.
3) RBI to hold assets minimum of Rs. 515 crores worth of foreign reserves in which Rs. 400 Cr. of gold and Rs. 115 Cr. of foreign securities must be maintained.
4) RBI to hold assets minimum of Rs. 515 crores worth of foreign reserves in which Rs. 200 Cr. of gold and Rs. 315 Cr. of foreign direct investments.
5) RBI to hold assets minimum of Rs. 515 crores worth of foreign reserves in any mode.

2. 1956 Minimum of Foreign Reserve System of RBI was diluted in 1957. It says .....
1) RBI should maintain Rs. 115 crore worth of Gold.
2) RBI should maintain Rs. 150 crore worth of Gold and Rs. 450 Cr. worth of Government bonds.
3) RBI should maintain Rs. 1000 Cr. worth of Gold or Rs. 1000 crore worth of Government securities.
4) RBI should maintain Rs. 100 Cr. worth of Gold or Rs. 1000 crore worth of foreign securities.
5) RBI need not maintain any worth of Gold or Government securities.

3. Currency paper is composed of ......
1) Flax seed pulp
2) Soya seed pulp
3) Cotton and cotton rag
4) Jute
5) None

4. Who determines the denominations of Paper currency?
1) RBI
2) Ministry of Commerce
3) Government of India
4) Deputy Governor
5) None of above

5. To cancel the disadvantages of Paper Currency Plastic currency mooted. Which is the first country to mint Plastic money?
1) India
2) New Zealand
3) China
4) Spain
5) Australia

6. India moots to mint ........ rupee plastic money first?
1) 5
2) 2
3) 100
4) 10
5) 500

7. In the five cities/ towns, the Rs. 10 plastic paper currency to be introduced for the valuation of up to Rs. 100 crores. They are Kochi, Mysore, Bhubaneswar, Jaipur and....
1) New Delhi
2) Hyderabad
3) Visakhapatnam
4) Shimla
5) Pune

8.Virtual Currency is .....
1) coins
2) Bit coin
3) Rs. 1000 currency note
4) Rs. 1 coin
5) None

9. Bit coin invented by ........
1) John Shepherd - Barron
2) Satoshi Nakamoto
3) Tim Berners-Lee
4) Charles Babbage
5) None of above

10. Who has the sole right to mint coins in India?
1) RBI
3) Government of India
4) SBI
5) Department of Post

11. Whose signature appears on coins?
1) President of India
2) RBI Governor
3) Finance Secretary
4) RBI Deputy Governor
5) Coins do not bear the signature

12. Whether all banks accept coins in India though mint by government of India?
1) accept by asking the customer give the undertaking
2) Never accept
3) Yes, accept
4) Accept, tell the customer that the bank return any time
5) Accept at the lower value

13. Which rupee coin has largest circulation in India?
1) 2
2) 5
3) 1
4) 10
5) None

14. Which committee suggested for the high denomination of Coins in Indian Circulation?
1) C. Rangarajan
2) Bimal Jalan
3) Tarapore
4) Chandulal
5) Malegam

15. Maximum punishment for melting or destruction of coins would be increased from 5 years to ..... years of imprisonment?
1) 4
2) 9
3) 7
4) 10
5) 16

16. Coins in India are presently being issued for the circulation in denominations of 50 paise, one rupee, two rupees, five rupees and ...
1) two hundred rupees
2) hundred rupees
3) ten rupees
4) twenty rupees
5) None

17. Familiar metal using to mint coins of India these days is.....
1) Stainless Steel
2) Gold
3) Silver
4) Copper
5) Brass

18. ......... become the 19th country to adopt Euro as a Single currency from 1 January 2015?
1) Croatia
2) Lithuania
3) Latvia
4) Mexico
5) South Sudan

1-1, 2-1, 3-3, 4-3, 5-5, 6-4, 7-4, 8-2, 9-2, 10-3
11-5, 12-3, 13-3, 14-3, 15-3, 16-3, 17-1, 18-2


1. Which of the following is the boundary line between India and Pakistan?
1) McMahon Line
2) Durand Line
3) Hindenburg Line
4) Radcliffe Line
5) 17th Parallel

2. Riel is the currency of which of the following countries?
1) Malaysia
2) Thailand
3) Cambodia
4) Myanmar
5) Philippines

3. Which of the following is the process by which a company collects money from the public for the first time?
1) Follow on public offering
2) Secondary offering
3) Initial public offering
4) Bonus shares
5) None of these

4. Saurav Ghosal is associated with which of the following sports?
1) Squash
2) Wrestling
3) Boxing
4) Shot put
5) Discus throw

5. Zend Avesta is the sacred book of the?
1) Jains
2) Buddhists
3) Jews
4) Parsis
5) None of these

6. Palatana Power Plant is situated in which of the following States?
1) Jharkhand
2) Chhattisgarh
3) Tripura
4) West Bengal
5) Assam

7. Which bank has launched ‘Bank Aap Ki Muththi Mein’ a mobile banking initiative, in December 2014?
1) ICICI Bank
2) Yes Bank
3) Axis Bank
4) HDFC Bank
5) None of these

8. With effect from 2014 December29, the Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) business hours on week days have been increased to?
1) 10 hours
2) 9 hours
3) 12 hours
4) 11 hours
5) 8 hours

9. Which private bank launched India’s first credit card with a transparent design in December 2014?
1) ICICI Bank
2) HDFC Bank
3) Axis Bank
4) Yes Bank
5) Karur Vysya Bank

10. A government constituted task force has suggested creation of a Postal Bank of India (PBI). The task force is headed by?
1) Ravindra Dholakia
2) G. N. Bajpai
3) T.V. Mohandas Pai
4) T.S.R. Subramanian
5) Rakesh Garg

11. India defeated which of the following teams in the final to win the men’s World Cup Kabaddi in December 2014?
1) Bangladesh
2) Pakistan
3) Sri Lanka
4) Nepal
5) China

12. Which country won the women’s World Cup Kabaddi in December 2014?
1) New Zealand
2) Pakistan
3) India
4) Japan
5) China

13. Which country won the fourth Cricket World Cup for the visually challenged in Cape Town, South Africa on December 7, 2014?
1) India
2) Pakistan
3) Sri Lanka
4) Australia
5) South Africa

14. Who became the oldest player to score a one day international cricket century in November 2014?
1) Ahmed Nadeem
2) Arshad Ali
3) Ali Asad
4) Mohammad Tauqir
5) Khurram Khan

15. The 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games mascot has been named?
1) Tom
2) Vinicius
3) Oba
4) Eba
5) Tiba

16. Which of the following is a public sector bank?
1) Axis Bank
2) South Indian Bank
3) Nainital Bank
4) Karnataka Bank
5) IDBI Bank

17. Human Rights Day is observed on?
1) December 5
2) December 20
3) December 7
4) December 10
5) December 24

18. Carolina Marin is a badminton champion from?
1) Denmark
2) Australia
3) Spain
4) Norway
5) Ireland

19. The abbreviation NTCA stands for?
1) National Thermal Control Authority
2) National Tiger Conservation Authority
3) National Terrorist Control Authority
4) National Transport Control Authority
5) None of these

1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 1 5) 4 6) 3 7) 4 8) 3 9) 1 10) 4
11) 2 12) 3 13) 1 14) 5 15) 2 16) 5 17) 4 18) 3 19) 2

Saturday, April 25, 2015

IBPS Recruitment of Officers In Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) General Knowledge Solved Paper, September 2012

1. Major producer of mulberry silk in India is– (A) Jammu and Kashmir (B) Jharkhand (C) Karnataka 
(D) Assam (E) Himachal Pradesh Ans : (C)

2. We come across the term 'PPP' in financial news nowadays. What does 'PPP' represent ? (A) Personal Percapita Power (B) Private Public Partnership 
(C) Percapita Potential for Purchases (D) Present Purchasing Power 
(E) Pure Purchase Parity Ans : (B)

3. Many times we read the term 'ECB' in newspapers. What is the full form of 'ECB' ? (A) Essential Commercial Banking (B) European Credit Borrowing 
(C) External Credit for Business (D) External Commercial Borrowing 
(E) None of these Ans : (D)

4. What is meant by financial inclusion? (A) Making available banking services at an affordable cost (B) Opening Savings Accounts in rural areas without any deposit 
(C) Opening any type of account without introduction (D) Distributing money through rural branches 
(E) Distributing wages through bank accounts Ans : (B)

5. Which one of these countries is the largest producer of milk products in the world? (A) USA (B) China (C) India 
(D) New Zealand (E) None of these Ans : (C)

6. Which of the following is the most important rabi crop of India ? (A) Rice (B) Millet (C) Sugarcane 
(D) Groundnut (E) Mustard Ans : (A)

7. Who is the regulatory authority for insurance business in India ? (A) RBI (B) IRDP (C) SEBI 
(D) NABARD (E) IRDA Ans : (E)

8. What is money laundering ? (A) Conversion of assets into cash (B) Conversion of illegally obtained money into accountable money 
(C) Conversion of assets into cash (D) Conversion of gold into cash 
(E) one of these Ans : (B)

9. Golden revolution refers to the development of which of the following agricultural products ? (A) Oilseeds (B) Pulses (C) Horticultural products 
(D) Cereals (E) Fodder Ans : (C)

10. Which programme was launched by Government of India to improve irrigation facilities in rural India ? (A) Annapurna Scheme (B) National Social Assistance Programme 
(C) Integrated Rural Development Programme (D) Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana 
(E) National Watershed Development Programme Ans : (E)

11. Montek Singh Ahluwalia is holding which of the followirig positions at present? (A) Chairman of Planning Commission (B) Governor of RBI 
(C) Secretary of UNO (D) Economic Adviser to Prime Minister 
(E) Dy. Chairman of Planning Commission Ans : (E)

12. Bird flu is a disease which affects and spreads through– (A) Cattle (B) Sheep (C) Prawn 
(D) Silkworm (E) Poultry Ans : (E)

13. Which country won the Davis Cup Tennis Tournament 2011 held in December 2011 ? (A) Argentina (B) USA (C) Australia 
(D) Jaipur (E) Spain Ans : (E)

14. Who among the following cricketers recently became the 10th Batsman to score 10,000 runs in Test cricket? (A) Mahela Jayawardene (B) Vijay Zol (C) Yuvraj Singh 
(D) Younis Khan (E) Umar Akmal Ans : (A)

15. The Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) Summit took place in December 2011 in– (A) Tokyo (B) Moscow (C) New Delhi 
(D) Paris (E) Perth Ans : (B)

16. Who represented India in the 12th Consecutive Annual India-Russia Summit held in December 2011 ? (A) Smt. Pratibha Patil (B) Manmohan Singh (C) Smt. Sonia Gandhi 
(D) Sri S. M. Krishna (E) None of these Ans : (B)

17. Which of the following currencies is used in Britain ? (A) Pound (B) Dollar (C) Euro 
(D) France (E) Pesso Ans : (A)

18. Which of the following cups/ trophies is associated with the game of Football ? (A) Grand Prix (B) Rangaswami Cup (C) Wimbledon Trophy 
(D) FIFA Cup (E) Ranji Trophy Ans : (D)

19. The head office of the Bank of Maharashtra is located in which of the following cities ? (A) Kolkata (B) New Delhi (C) Pune 
(D) Ahmedabad (E) Mumbai Ans : (C)

20. Which country hosted the summit of SAARC nations in the year 2011 ? (A) India (B) Bangladesh (C) Nepal 
(D) Maldives (E) Pakistan Ans : (D)

21. Which of the following terms is not used in the field of Economics ? (A) Balance of Trade (B) Break Even Point (C) Plasma 
(D) Capital Account Convertibility (E) Fiscal Deficit Ans : (C)

22. "Carbon credit" is concerned with which one of these internationally sensitive issues ? (A) Deforestation (B) Contract farming (C) Rural infrastructure 
(D) Diamond trading (E) Protection of environment Ans : (E)

23. Which of the following terms is used in the game of cricket ? (A) Half Nelson (B) Love (C) Backhand Drive 
(D) Penalty Stroke (E) Clean Bowled Ans : (E)

24. India recently signed a Currency Swap Agreement with which of the following countries? (A) USA (B) Pakistan (C) Japan 
(D) Germany (E) Australia Ans : (C)

25. What is the full form of the term ASBA? (A) Allotment Supported by Blocked Amount (B) Application Supported by Bank Amount 
(C) Allotment Supported by Bank Account (D) Application Supported by Blocked Amount 
(E) Allotment and Social Banking Amount Ans : (D)

26. Dipika Pallikal who won an international tournament recently in Hong Kong is a– (A) Golf player (B) Badminton player (C) Squash player 
(D) Swimmer (E) Table Tennis player Ans : (C)

27. The term "Deficit Financing" means the Government borrows money from the– (A) IMF (B) Local bodies (C) RBI 
(D) Large corporates (E) Public at large Ans : (C)

28. Regional Rural Banks– (A) have limited area of operation and access to refinance from NABARD. (B) are required to lend only to weaker sections. 
(C) are mandated to do only narrow banking (D) can only extend agricultural loans. 
(E) have unrestricted area of operation. Ans : (A)

29. Ms Christine Lagarde is holding which of the following positions at present ? (A) Chief of Asian Development Bank (B) Chief of International Monetary Fund 
(C) Chancellor of Germany (D) Chief of Morgan Stanley 
(E) Chief of World Bank Ans : (B)

30. What is the present reverse repo rate ? (A) 7.5% (B) 8.5% (C) 8% 
(D) 6.5% (E) one of these Ans : (C)

31. General Assembly elections were held in which of the following North East state in January 2012 ? (A) Assam (B) Meghalaya (C) Arunachal Pradesh 
(D) Manipur (E) Tripura Ans : (D)

32. What is the full form of the term FDI– (A) Foreign Direct Investment (B) Foreign Diverse Investment 
(C) Fixed Deposit Investment (D) Floating Deposit Investment 
(E) Financial Derivatives in India Ans : (A)

33. The erstwhile UTI Bank is presently known as– (A) ING Vysya Bank (B) Yes Bank (C) Indus Ind Bank 
(D) Axis Bank (E) IDBI Ans : (D)

34. Which of the following telecom giants recently won its case against the Income Tax Department? (A) Bharti Airtel (B) Vodafone (C) Idea Cellular 
(D) Reliance Communications (E) Tata Telecom Ans : (B)

35. Which of the following countries recently attained the status of world's sixth largest economy ? (A) Russia (B) Japan (C) China 
(D) India (E) Brazil Ans : (E)

36. Which of the following countries decided to withdraw from Kyoto Protocol ? (A) Canada (B) Russia (C) India 
(D) USA (E) China Ans : (A)

37. Which of the following is not a Banking or Finance Company ? (A) Barclay (B) Lufthansa (C) BNP Paribas 
(D) American Express (E) HSBC Ans : (B)

38. India and Russia were having some differences over which of the following nuclear power plants? (A) Kaiga (B) Kudankulam (C) Rawatbhata 
(D) Narora (E) None of these Ans : (B)

39. Excise Duty is a tax levied on which of the following ? (A) Production of goods (B) Purchase of goods (C) Export of goods 
(D) Movement of goods beyond municipal limits (E) Sale of goods Ans : (A)

40. India and Pakistan started fresh talks on conventional CBM - was the news in all major newspapers. What does the letter 'M' denote in the term 'CBM' as used above ? (A) Money (B) Mechanism (C) Modalities 
(D) Measures (E) Memorial Ans : (E)

41. Which of the following is the unit of electrical current? (A) Bar (B) Calorie (C) Ampere 
(D) Decibel (E) Angstrom Ans : (C)

42. 'Global Meet on Emerging Economies' was organised in December 2011 in– (A) New Delhi (B) Dhaka (C) Islamabad 
(D) Kathmandu (E) Cape Town Ans : (A)

43. Which of the following awards is given to the coaches of sportspersons ? (A) Kalidas Samman (B) Dronacharya Award (C) Arjuna Award 
(D) Dada Saheb Phalke Award (E) Saraswati Samman Ans : (B)

44. Which of the following countries recently agreed to sell Uranium to India? (A) Australia (B) USA (C) Iran 
(D) Germany (E) Bangladesh Ans : (A)

45. Which of the following schemes launched by the Government of India is aimed at developing rural infrastructure? (A) MNREGA (B) ASHA (C) Bharat Nirman 
(D) Operation Flood (E) Operation Black board Ans : (C)

46. Who among the following is a famous sports person ? (A) Dhanush (B) Saina Nehwal (C) Charles Correa 
(D) Ajit Singh (E) Kim Jong-un Ans : (B)

47. Speed of a ship is expressed in– (A) Kilometre (B) Horse power (C) Ohm 
(D) Knot (E) Coulomb Ans : (D)

48. USA and some other European countries recently imposed fresh sanctions on which of the following countries as they are not in favour of its nuclear advancement? (A) Iraq (B) Pakistan (C) India 
(D) Iran (E) Kuwait Ans : (D)

49. Who among the following has written book 'Dr. Zhivago' ? (A) Pearl S. Buck (B) H. G. Wells (C) Saul Bellow 
(D) Emile Zola (E) Boris Pasternak Ans : (D)

50. Yoshihiko Noda who was on a visit to India recently is the present Prime Minister of– (A) Myanmar (B) South Korea (C) North Korea 
(D) Japan (E) None of these Ans : (D)

IBPS Specialist Officers Examination (CWE) General Awareness Solved Paper, March 2012

1. Who among the following is one of the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize - 2011 ? 
(A) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf (B) Jules A. Hoffmann (C) Brude A. Beutler 
(D) Adam G. Riess (E) Tomas Transtromer (Ans : A)

2. The Food Security Bill-2011 which is in the process of becoming an Act, divides the entire population of the country into two groups. Which of the following are these two groups ? 
(A) Below poverty line and above poverty line 
(B) General population and excluded population 
(C) Included households and excluded households 
(D) Covered under PDS and not covered under PDS 
(E) General households and priority households (Ans : E)

3. RBI has recently deregulated the rates of interest to be provided by various Banks to their depositors/ customers with effect from 25-10-2011 on their accounts. 
(A) Time deposit (B) Saving bank (C) Loan 
(D) Fixed deposit (E) Current (Ans : B)

4. Which of the following is the main advantage of "ASBA" with the applicants for share allotment ? 
(A) ASBA applicant has got secured allotment of shares 
(B) ASBA applicant has got certain preference in allotment of shares as compared to general applicants 
(C) ASBA applicant need not remit the fund for allotment of shares, he/she will do so after shares are allotted to him/her 
(D) ASBA applicants deposit/OD account is not debited, only the funds are blocked for the same and he/she continues to avail interest till the shares are allotted to him/her 
(E) None of these (Ans : D)

5. "Many people die in Deadly Games in Egypt" –was the news in almost all major newspapers in February 2012. 
Which of the following statements is the correct representation of 'Deadly Game' given in the headlines ? 
(A) A riot broke out during a Football Match in Egypt in which many people were killed 
(B) Police had to open fire on a mob including some genuine ticket holders, who were not allowed to enter the stadium even after the start of the match 
(C) Egypt is famous for its dangerous games of 'Bull fight' and 'Martial Game'. Many participants die every year in such games 
(D) Some terrorists opened fire during a football match. About 1,000 people were killed in the incident 
(E) The defeat in the game is considered equivalent to death (Ans : A)

6. Mullaperiyar Dam, which was recently in news, is located in which of the following States? 
(A) Maharashtra (B) Karnataka (C) Andhra Pradesh 
(D) Kerala (E) Tamil Nadu (Ans : D)

7. Like telephone/Mobile number portability, the Ministry of Finance/RBI is now also considering to provide bank account number portability to bank customers. Which of the following would it mean? 
(A) Any customer/account holder can withdraw cash from any other Bank through his/her own cheques drawn on other bank even without ATM 
(B) Any borrower can draw funds from his/her loan account' from any other bank also 
(C) The account number of any account holder will remain the same even if he/she is getting his/ her account transferred to another bank also 
(D) Bank customers would have the facility of mobile Banks to with- draw cash nearby his/her place 
(E) None of these (Ans : C)

8. The total number of Kissan Credit Card holder farmers in our country is– 
(A) 8 Crores (B) 10 Crores (C) 5 Crores 
(D) 7.5 Crores (E) 6 Crores (Ans : B)

9. NRE deposit is–
(A) Non Resident External deposit (B) Non Resident Extra deposit 
(C) Non Resident Exchange deposit (D) Non Refundable External deposit 
(E) Non Resident Extended deposit (Ans : A)

10. What is offshore banking ? 
(A) It is a bank located in the sea (i.e. island). 
(B) It is a bank located in SEZ. 
(C) It is a bank located in a neighbouring country. 
(D) It is a bank located outside the country of residence of the depositor. 
(E) Offshore banking is basically dealing in foreign exchange. (Ans : D)

11. Maoists in which of the following countries recently decided to accept Govt's offer of 'Golden Handshake' fund enter into 'civilian life' or mainstream of the society ? 
(A) Myanmar (B) India (C) China 
(D) Nepal (E) Bhutan (Ans : D)

12. Which of the following is correct? 
(A) Illiterates cannot open any account in a bank 
(B) Illiterate women cannot open any account in a bank 
(C) Illiterates can open savings bank accounts in a bank 
(D) Advance can be granted to a minor 
(E) Advance can be granted to a minor if he is of sound mind (Ans : C)

13. As per newspaper reports western countries are going to impose sanctions on which of the following OPEC countries as it is said that it is trying to make a nuclear bomb ? 
(A) Kuwait (B) Iraq (C) Iran 
(D) Saudi Arabia (E) Angola (Ans : C)

14. ''The Reliance Industries Ltd. has decided to return some 'KG' fields to the Government of India" -was the news in some major newspapers. What is the major production in KG fields owned by RIL ? 
(A) Crude oil (B) Gas (C) Coal 
(D) Iron ore (E) Gold ore and Diamonds (Ans : B)

15. Non-convertible debentures are– 
(A) Debt instruments which acquire equity status at the issuers' option. 
(B) Debt instruments which acquire equity status at the investors' option. 
(C) Debt instruments which acquire equity status with the permission of Registrar of Companies. 
(D) Debt instruments which acquire equity status on maturity. 
(E) Debt instruments which retain their debt character and cannot acquire equity status. (Ans : E)

16. India's Dipika Pallikal and Sarah Cardwell of Australia recently played an international match in Chennai. Both of them are– 
(A) Badminton players (B) Golf players (C) Chess players 
(D) Squash players (E) Table Tennis players (Ans : D)

17. "IRDA 'norms will boost online distribution" -was the news in some major newspapers. This means online distribution of which of the following will boost up ? 
(A) Bank products (B) Insurance policies/products 
(C) Licenses to open new banks/ branches of existing banks 
(D) Licenses to operate 2G / 3G spectrums 
(E) Permits for export of iron ore (Ans : B)

18. 'Lajja' is a book written by– 
(A) Salman Rushdie (B) Taslima Nasreen (C) Sunil Ganguli 
(D) Rabindranath Tagore (E) Bimal Mitra (Ans : B)

19. To prevent frauds in multiple mortgage cases, under SARFAESI Act, 2002 one special thing has been created and made operative from 01. 04. 2011. Which one is that from the following? 
(A) Special Registrar Office at Lucknow 
(B) Special Central Arbitration Bureau at Lucknow 
(C) Central SARFAESI Tribunals at Six Centres 
(D) Central Electronic Registry 
(E) State Electronic Registries (Ans : D)

20. SBI has merged which of the following two associate banks with itself? 
(A) State Bank of Hyderabad and State Bank of Patiala 
(B) State Bank of Hyderabad and State Bank of Travancore 
(C) State Bank of Mysore and State Bank of Travancore 
(D) State Bank of Indore and State Bank of Hyderabad 
(E) State Bank of Indore and State Bank of Saurashtra (Ans : E)

21. Assembly elections took place in which one of the following States recently? (in January 2012) 
(A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Maharashtra (C) Kerala 
(D) Punjab (E) Tamil adu (Ans : D)

22. Which one of the following is not a salient feature of Debit Card? 
(A) No bad debts to banks and no suits for recovery 
(B) 0 interest earning for banks 
(C) Works like a normal withdrawal 
(D) Can be used at ATM and POS 
(E) 45 days credit is given to the card holder (Ans : E)

23. Banks issue a letter to beneficiary on behalf of its constituents like guarantee for making payment on their behalf on fulfillment of its terms and conditions. What is this arrangement known in banking context ? 
(A) Line of Credit (B) Loan to Client (C) Loan on Credit 
(D) Loan against Credit (E) Letter of Credit (Ans : E)

24. As per Financial Inclusion drive one of the following Banks introduced Tilly Cards with Biometric identification. Which of the following is that Bank? 
(A) Central Bank of India (B) Oriental Bank of Commerce (C) Indian Bank 
(D) State Bank of India (E) Bank of Maharashtra (Ans : D)

25. World leaders are to assemble in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012 for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). All nations are going to make some commitment towards the goal of the conference. As per the agenda circulated, what commitment do world leaders want from India in the Conference ? 
(A) India should agree to double its energy efficiency under a global understanding 
(B) India should suspend its nuclear pact with USA or at least should reduce it to 50% level of agreed capacity 
(C) Nuclear power plants are highly risky as seen in Japan recently. Hence, no new plant should be made 
(D) India has a vast resource of coal. It must share its coal resources with other countries to enable them to produce thermal power which they are not doing so far due to lack of coal mines there 
(E) None of these (Ans : C)

26. Who among the following is the recipient of the Padma Vibhushan given in 2012 ? 
(A) Late (Dr.) Bhupen Hazarika (B) Sri Vanraj Bhatia (C) Sri Javed Akhtar 
(D) Sri Amitabh Bachchan (E) Smt. Ambika Soni (Ans : A)

27. Under the liberialised scheme of interest subsidy, Govt. of India provides interest subsidy on housing loan at the rate of– 
(A) 0. 50% (B) 1. 00% (C) 2. 00% 
(D) 2. 00% + 1. 00% for prompt repayment (E) None of these (Ans : B)

28. When a Bank provides a loan for purchase of white goods, it is categorised as– 
(A) Consumption loan (B) White Goods loan (C) Consumer Durable loan 
(D) Working Capital (E) Bridge loan (Ans : D)

29. India has decided to acquire Rafale Fighter planes for its airforce wing. Which country is going to supply Rafale fighter planes ? 
(A) Italy (B) Britain (C) Canada 
(D) France (E) Germany(Ans : D)

30. Which of the following statements about contribution (approximately) of agriculture sector in GDP is correct? 
(A) Agriculture contributes 50% of total GDP 
(B) Agriculture does not contribute significantly to India's GDP as the share is less than 1 % 
(C) India's GDP does not take agricultural sector into account 
(D) Agricultural Sector is the part of Service Sector. Hence, it is not considered as an independent sector 
(E) Agricultural Sector contributes 20% in India's GDP (Ans : E)

31. Banks are considered as 'financial intermediaries'. Which of the following activity correctly and comprehensively explains this role of banks ? 
(A) Accepting deposits of money for the purpose of lending and investment 
(B) Granting loans to the weaker sections of the society 
(C) Accepting money for remittance and issuing bank drafts 
(D) Providing safe deposit services 
(E) Opening accounts and accepting deposits therein (Ans : A)

32. The rate below which banks cannot generally lend is called as– 
(A) Base rate (B) Floor rate (C) Repo rate 
(D) Call money rate (E) Ceiling rate (Ans : A)

33. As per the data released by the Union Health Ministry (of India) the infant mortality rate is lowest in– 
(A) Tamil Nadu (B) Maharashtra (C) Goa 
(D) Uttar Pradesh (E) Madhya Pradesh (Ans : C)

34. Dada Saheb Phalke Awards are given by the Ministry of– 
(A) Social Welfare (B) Corporate Affairs (C) Home Affairs 
(D) Human Resource Development (E) Information and Broadcasting (Ans : E)

35. Which of the following is not a type of Cheque ? 
(A) Crossed cheque (B) Blank cheque (C) Speed cheque 
(D) Bearer cheque (E) Order cheque (Ans : C)

36. Mr. John Key is the present–
(A) Prime Minister of Canada (B) Prime Minister of Australia 
(C) Prime Minister of New Zealand (D) President of Australia 
(E) President of Canada (Ans : C)

37. In relation to banking, what do you' understand by "Ever-Greening of Loan Account" ? 
(A) Full repayment of a loan account before maturity-Pre-payment 
(B) Full repayment of a loan account exactly at maturity 
(C) Fresh loan sanctioned during the tenure of account for enhancement of limits 
(D) Adjusting the NPA/Sticky account with fresh sanction of loans 
(E) Loans provided for new projects to new customers 
(Ans : D)

38. Which of the following is the name of an autonomous organisation for rural technology ? 
(D) IRDP (E) NGAPS (Ans : A)

39. With a view to facilitate payment of balance in deposit account of the person named by the depositor without any hassles in the event of death of the account holder, the following facility was introduced in bank accounts in our country. 
(A) Will (B) Registration (C) Nomination 
(D) Indemnity (E) Guarantee (Ans : C)

40. Which of the following countries is not a member of ASEAN ? 
(A) Thailand (B) Myanmar (C) Singapore 
(D) Vietnam (E) Brazil (Ans : E)

41. Which of the following is not a Negotiable Instrument? 
(A) Cheque (B) Fixed Deposit Receipt (C) Promissory Note 
(D) Bill of Exchange (E) All (A) to (D) above are negotiable instruments (Ans : B)

42. Which of the following Stock Exchanges in India recently launched "Carbon Index" so that investors can assess risk and opportunities associated with climate change? 
(A) Delhi Stock Exchange (B) National Stock Exchange 
(C) Bombay Stock Exchange (D) Kolkata Stock Exchange 
(E) Ahmedabad Stock Exchange (Ans : C)

43. Which of the following would be the venue of the World Athletic Championship 2013 ? 
(A) New Delhi (B) Tokyo (C) London 
(D) Paris (E) Moscow (Ans : E)

44. Who among the following represented India in 17th SAARC Summit held at Addu in Maldives in November 2011 ? 
(A) Smt. Sonia Gandhi (B) Dr. Manmohan Singh 
(C) Shri Pranab Mukherjee (D) Shri P. Chidambaram 
(E) Shri Rahul Gandhi (Ans : B)

45. What is the maximum balance amount that is eligible for earning interest in a normal savings bank account ? 
(A) Rs. 1 lac (B) Rs. 2 lacs (C) Rs. 3 lacs 
(D) Rs. 5 lacs (E) No limit (Ans : E)

46. When a customer opens a Deposit account with the Bank, which one of the following is the status of the Bank? 
(A) Debtor (B) Creditor (C) Trustee 
(D) Beneficiary (E) None of these (Ans : A)

47. Which of the following states decided to give Khatedhari Rights to about 30,000 farmers occupying the custodian lands ? 
(A) Gujarat (B) Rajasthan (C) Madhya Pradesh 
(D) Uttar Pradesh (E) Uttarakhand (Ans : B)

48. Which of the following functions is not being performed by the Reserve Bank of India ? 
(A) Regulation of Banks in India 
(B) Regulation of Foreign- Direct Investment in India 
(C) Foreign Currency Management in India 
(D) Control and Supervision of Money Supply 
(E) Currency Management in India (Ans : B)

49. A bank is called as 'Scheduled Bank' when– 
(A) its business has crossed Rs. 1,000 crore mark. 
(B) its branch network is over 100 
(C) it is included in the second Schedule of the RBI Act 
(D) when it complies with all the three above 
(E) None of these (Ans : C)

50. Australian Govt. recently decided to sell Uranium to India. Uranium is used mainly for– 
(A) manufacturing of chemical fertilizers. (B) manufacturing of Drugs/Pharma products. 
(C) nuclear power generation. (D) making arsenals. 
(E) making electronic chips. (Ans : C)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Promotional Functions of RBI

★ Development of the Financial System:
The financial system comprises the financial institutions, financial markets and financial instruments. The sound and efficient financial system is a precondition of the rapid economic
development of the nation. The RBI has encouraged establishment of main banking and non-banking institutions to cater to the credit requirements of diverse sectors of the economy.

★ Development of Agriculture: 
Agriculture is the back bone of Indian Economy. Even today at least half of the Indian population
depends on Agriculture. Banks accept deposits from the public, but may divert funds to earn more and more profits offering higher interest rates to public. RBI made it mandatory to lend at least 18% of total loans to Agriculture. It does regular auditing of the banks accounts. RBI time to time
gives subvention on the rate of interest to farmers' loans.

★ Promotion of Small Scale Industries Finance: 
In order to boost the Micro, Small scale and Medium Enterprises, RBI formulated many policies and programmes. The Prime Minister's Task Force on MSME headed by T.K.A. Nair has advised
banks to achieve a 20 percent year-on-year growth in credit to micro and small enterprises, a 10 percent annual growth in the number of micro enterprise accounts and 60% of total lending to MSME.

★ Promotion of Export through Refinance:
Export credit refinancing is a scheme started by RBI to promote exports. By promoting exports RBI helps to bring more foreign currency for the country, in turn decreasing current account deficit and decreasing rupee depreciation.

★ Provisions of Training: 
RBI provides the Training facilities to bankers, customers and also to lay man through various programmes. National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM) was established in 1969 by RBI in Pune. It is engaged in Research (policy and operations), Training & Education of senior executives of banks, and provides consulting support to the banking and financial sectors. It runs various programmes on pan India basis to educate the customers and lay man to educate them in bank frauds and security features of currency notes.

★ Collection of Data and Publication of Reports: 
RBI collects, process and disseminates statistical data on several topics. It includes interest rate, inflation, savings and investments etc. This data proves to be quite useful for researchers and policy makers. Its separate publication publishes data on several sectors of the economy. The reports and
bulletins are regularly published by the RBI. It includes RBI weekly reports, RBI Annual
Report, Report on Trend and Progress of Commercial Banks in India., etc. This information
is made available to the public also at cheaper rates.

★ Promotion of Banking Habits: 
As an apex organization, the RBI always tries to promote the banking habits in the country. It institutionalizes savings and takes measures for an expansion of the banking network. During
economic reforms it has taken many initiatives for encouraging and promoting banking
in India. It always order the banks not to disturb the customers by making the rigidity of banking rules.

Supervisory Functions of RBI
★ Granting license to banks: 
RBI grants license to banks for carrying its business. License is also given for opening extension counters, new branches, even to close down existing branches. It also authorized to renew the license of banks. Its role is unquestionable at the time of giving licenses to foreign bank branches.

★ Bank Inspections: 
RBI grants license to banks working as per the directives and in a prudent manner without undue risk. It does regular inspections of banks and bank branches. In addition to this it can ask for periodical information from banks on various components of assets and liabilities.

★ Control over NBFIs: 
Non-Bank Financial Institutions are not more influenced by the working of a monitory policy. However RBI has a right to issue directives to the NBFIs from time to time regarding their functioning. Through periodic inspection, it can control the NBFIs.

★ Implementation of the Deposit Insurance Scheme: 
RBI has set up the Deposit Insurance Guarantee Corporation in order to protect the deposits of small depositors. All bank deposits below Rs. 1 lakh are insured with this corporation. The RBI work to implement the Deposit Insurance Scheme in case of a bank failure.

★ Central clearing house of payment and settlement systems: 
The increasing monetization in the economy, the country's large geographic expanse, people's preference for paper-based instruments and rapid changes in technology are among factors that make this task a formidable one. Recently, a provision was incorporated by the Information Technology Act, 2000 which enabled the RBI to make regulations for regulating payment systems of banks and financial institutions.

Names of the Directors of the Central Board of the Reserve Bank of India
(as on 6 April 2015)
1. Dr. Raghuram Rajan - Governor
2. H.R. Khan - Deputy Governor
3. Dr. Urjit R. Patel - Deputy Governor
4. R. Gandhi - Deputy Governor
5. S. S. Mundra - Deputy Governor
6. Dr. Anil Kakodkar
7. Kiran Karnik
8. Dr. Nachiket M. Mor
9. Y.H. Malegam
10. Prof. Dipankar Gupta
11. G.M. Rao
12. Ms. Ela Bhatt
13. Dr. Indira Rajaraman
14. Y.C. Deveshwar
15. Prof. Damodar Acharya
16. Rajiv Mehrishi
17. Dr. Hasmukh Adhia

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

13th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice held in Doha

The 13th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice was held from 12 April 2015 to 19 April 2015 at Qatar National Convention Centre in Doha, Qatar. The Summit concluded with the adoption of Doha Declaration.
The Doha Declaration aims at integrating crime prevention and criminal justice into the wider United Nations (UN) agenda to address social and economic challenges and to promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and public participation.
During the conference, delegates pledged action to promote justice for all, underline link between rule of law, sustainable development and by adopting a statement to that effect participants committed themselves to integrating crime prevention and criminal justice into the wider UN agenda.
The Doha Congress in 2015 coincided with the 60th anniversary of the Crime Congress. The summit was attended by a large group of policymakers, academicians working in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice to contribute to the drafting of the United Nations agenda and standards on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice.
The UN conference on crime control is held at every five-year intervals. The first Congress was held in Geneva, Switzerland in 1955 while the 12th Congress was held in Salvador, Brazil in 2010.

Shah Rukh Khan, Zayn Malik honoured at the 5th Asian Awards

Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan and teen idol Zyan Malik on 17 April 2015 were honoured at the 5th Asian Awards held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London.  

Khan was awarded with the prestigious Outstanding Contribution to Cinema award. The 49-year-old actor received the award by Indian-origin British filmmaker Gurinder Chadha.

Previous winners in the cinema category included Irrfan Khan (2014), Anupam Kher (2013) and Yash Chopra (2011).
On the other hand, 22-year-old Malik was awarded with the Outstanding Contribution to Music. He is an English singer and songwriter, and a previous member of the boy band One Direction. 

List of Awardees
Founders Award
Dr. Amar Bose, Founder of Bose Corporation
Entrepreneur of the Year
Jack Ma, Founder & CEO of Alibaba
Outstanding Achievement in Cinema
Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood actor
Chivas Regal Social Entrepreneur of the Year
Gopi Gopalakrishnan, President, World Health Partners 
Outstanding Achievement in Sport
Kumar Sangakkara, Cricketer of Sri Lanka
Business Leader of the Year
The Hinduja Brothers 
Outstanding Achievement in Television
Sanjeev Bhaskar, Comedian, actor and broadcaster
Outstanding Achievement in Art & Design 
John Rocha, Designer
Outstanding Achievement in Science & Technology 
Sir Tejinder Singh Virdee, Experimental particle physicist
Outstanding Achievement in Music
Zayn Malik, English singer and songwriter
About Asian Awards
It was launched in 2010 by Paul Sagoo, entrepreneur and Founder of the Lemon Group to recognise and reward exemplary achievement from within the Asian community across 14 categories that include business, philanthropy, entertainment, culture and sport. 

In 2010 and 2011, the awards were only open to those born in or with direct family origin from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, or Bangladesh, however, in 2013, the Awards were opened to all people of both South and Eastern Asian origin.

UN Report India fifth biggest E waste producer

Global E-Waste Monitor Report   which takes a detailed overview of e-waste generation across the countries  is released by UN University- a UN Think Tank.

Report Highlights: 

•    India has generated total 1.7 Mt (million tonnes) of electronic and electrical equipment in 2014. 
•    Ranking: 1. USA  2. China, 3. Japan 4. Germany 5. India
•    The US and China produced 32% of total world s e-waste which is highest e-waste generation in 2014.
•    Asia is the largest e-waste producer in the world . Total e-waste generated by Asia is 16 Mt or 3.7 kg per inhabitant.  
•    e-waste generation ranking in Asia : 1. China -6.0 million tonnes  2. Japan- 2.2 million tonnes  3. India -1.7 million tonnes.
•    Africa generated the lowest amount of e-waste per inhabitant in 2014 which amounts 1.7 kg/inhabitant. Total waste generated by Africa is only 1.9 Mt.
•    Developed countries from Europe are among the top per capita producers.  The top five being Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark, and the UK.
•    People discarded mostly kitchen equipments, laundry and bathroom equipments like microwave ovens, washing machines and dishwashers.
•    Report estimated that the e-waste volume may rise from 21% in 2014 to 50 million tonnes in 2018 which highlights the world s fast-growing e-waste problem. Increase in sales of electrical and electronic equipments coupled with reduced product life cycle period , have been resulting into rapid rate e-waste generation.
•    Less than 16% of e-waste has been recycled and reused. Thus recycling of e-waste is a major challenge.
•    Toxins in e-waste include lead glass, batteries, mercury, cadmium, chromium and ozone-depleting substances (CFCs) which pose health associated problems like impaired mental development, cancer, and damage to livers and kidneys.