Till now 259.16 lakh Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)
have been distributed under the Bachat Lamp Yojana (BLY) scheme. In
the 11th Plan total funds allocated for the scheme were Rs.18.32 crores.
The BLY scheme has been designed on Public Private Partnership mode.
The Umbrella Framework for BLY has been registered as a Clean
Development Mechanism (CDM) Programme of Activities (PoA). The private
investors can participate in the BLY scheme and develop the CDM projects
and distribute CFLs in co-ordination with the State Electricity
Distribution Companies (DISCOMs). The private investor invests into the
BLY project and earns the carbon credits for the same. Bureau of
Energy Efficiency (BEE) acts as an overall coordinator for the BLY
Under the BLY Scheme, no exemption/tax holiday/subsidy is provided to
the CFL manufacturers. The scheme was approved for the 11th Plan and is
proposed with modifications in the 12th Plan also.