many as 100 lakh adolescent girls per annum are expected to be
benefitted under the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent
Girls (RGSEAG)–‘Sabla’ scheme- of the Government. The
centrally-sponsored scheme was introduced in 2010-11 on a pilot basis in
200 districts in all States and UTs.
Against the allocation of Rs. 340 crore for the year 2010-11, a sum of
Rs. 330 crore (approx.) were released to States/UTs. The year 2011-12
was the first complete year of implementation of the scheme, against the
allocation of Rs. 750 crore in 2011-12, Rs. 561.11 crore have been
released to States/UTs for implementation of the scheme. As reported by
States/UTs, coverage for nutrition under Sabla in 2011-12 was 84.82 lakh
adolescent girls. An allocation of Rs. 750 crore is made for the scheme
for 2012-13.